Fall 2024 Electric Energy Systems Course Announcement

Principles of Modeling, Computing, and Control for Decarbonized Electric Energy Systems (6.7121/6.7120) will be offered in the fall semester.
Administrative Details
- Level: Undergrad/Graduate, Undergraduate 6.7120 meets with Graduate Level 6.1721
- Instructor: Prof. Marija Ilic, Joint Adjunct EECS Professor and LIDS Senior Research Scientist, ilic@mit.edu 32-D582
- Units: 4-0-8
- Prerequisites: 6.2000, 6.3100, 6.2200 (or instructor permission)
- Schedule: Lectures MW 10:30-12.00, Room 26-322; Recitation 1100-1200 Room 26-314
- Office Hours: Thursdays 5-7pm Marija’s office 32-D582; and/or by appointment
- Grading Scheme: 25% - Short Quizzes due before each lecture
25% - Bi-weekly assignments
50% - Term projects (For graduate offering 6.7121 only; undergraduates can still opt to do); for undergraduates as per agreement with the instructor, depending on students’ objectives for taking the course
Course Description
This course offers modeling principles of modern electric power systems starting from a brief review of their structure and their physical components. In particular, a novel unified modeling in energy/power dynamical space is introduced to conceptualize dynamics of interactions of complex multi-physicals components. No specialized knowledge of physical components is required. This modeling sets a basis for analysis, computation, sensing, control, power electronics, optimization and market design concepts.
The course prepares students for working on applying many novel methods and technologies, ranging from computer methods, power electronics control, for designing and operating more reliable, secure, and efficient (sustainable) electric energy systems. Students interested in both applied physics and signals and systems should consider taking this subject. Once the fundamentals of today’s power systems are understood, it becomes possible to consider the role of smart electric power grids and power electronics-control in enabling evolution of future electric energy systems. Integration of intermittent energy resources into the existing grid by deploying distributed sensors and actuators at the key locations throughout the system (network, energy sources, consumers) and changes in today’s Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for better performance become well-posed problems of modeling, sensing and controlling complex dynamic systems. This opens opportunities to many innovations toward advanced sensing and actuation for enabling better physical performance. Modeling, sensing and control fundamentals for possible next generation SCADA in support of highly distributed operations and design are introduced. Most of the concepts will be illustrated using homegrown software.